Chronology Fan Site

Were ice cream cones invented before or after silver dollars? Did the first drive-in movie come before or after "The Star Spangled Banner" is declared the National Anthem?

Now you're playing Chronology, the challenging time line game. Place events in time and put time in its place. Place 5 events in order and win the game. Includes 200 Chronology cards, card stands and instructions.

This 2008 version of the game contains cards in 4 categories which are all shuffled together. Each player takes a card rack and a single card, which they place in their rack. On their turn, a player is read a card and they must decide if they think the event happened before or after the card in their card rack.

If they are correct, they win the card and get to place it on their card rack. If they are not, the next player gets to guess. The more cards they get, the harder the game becomes due to them having to decide if the next event happens before, after, or between events already in their card rack.

When a player fills their card rack (5 cards), they win.

This is an updated version of Chronology with some rules modifications.

Retail Price:$27
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Chronology Game Rules


Object of the Game

To collect a total of five event cards by correctly guessing where each card should be placed in chronological order in each player's timeline. Choose to play with all categories or one category only.

Game Play

Shuffle the cards and place them year side down in the middle of the

table. Each player draws a card, reads it out loud and then places it in any slot in their card tray. This card represents the first card in the player's timeline. …