City of Delights


City of Delights is a 2 nd -edition Advanced Dungeons & Dragons boxed set. It is part of the Al-Qadim campaign setting and set in Zakhara.

Recommended for use with the Arabian Adventures rulebook.

Golden Huzuz, the City of Delights, is the "heart of the heart" of the enlightened lands. It is the religious and political center of Zakhara and, say its inhabitants, the most beautiful city in the entire world. But beneath the beauty lies mystery, for the court of the Grand Caliph is as full of intrigue as the Grand Bazaar is full of adventures waiting to happen. Come, explore the delights and dangers of Huzuz the Golden, heart of the AL-QADIM campaign world.


Description [ ]

The book provides hints on what player characters may want to do in Huzuz: An ethoist priest wants to preach in the great Golden Mosque, so the Mosque entry tells whom to talk to. A sha'ir wants to study with Adnan al-Raqi, Master of the Invisible, the Whisper that Thunders, so the book tells how to find his tower and how to become his apprentice. For the rogue, details are provided on sneaking into the Caliph's harem. [1]

Contents [ ]

Index [ ]

Gallery [ ]

Back Cover

Back Cover

Golden Huzuz Cover

Golden Huzuz Cover

Gem of Zakhara Cover

Gem of Zakhara Cover

Credits [ ]

Appendix [ ]

See Also [ ]

Notes [ ]

  1. ↑Canon material does not provide dating for the Al-Qadim campaign setting. For the purposes of this wiki only, the current date for Al-Qadim products is assumed to be 1367 DR.

Further Reading [ ]

References [ ]

  1. ↑ 1.01.1Allen Varney (July 1995). “Role-playing Reviews: A Thousand and One Adventures”. In Wolfgang Baur ed. Dragon #219 (TSR, Inc.), p. 50.

Connections [ ]

Boxed sets A Dozen and One AdventuresAssassin MountainCaravansCities of BoneCity of DelightsCorsairs of the Great SeaGolden VoyagesLand of FateRuined KingdomsSecrets of the Lamp
Accessories Arabian AdventuresMonstrous Compendium Al-Qadim AppendixThe Complete Sha'ir's Handbook
Adventures Al-KandilBlood and FireReunionThe Assassin WithinThe Last OasisThe Rose Of Jumlat
Gamebooks Secret of the Djinn
Video Games Al-Qadim: The Genie's Curse