Upload a file to create direct debits

The direct debits file upload tool in ANZ Internet Banking allows you to import an aba file, which consists of multiple payment details created using your accounting software.

How do I upload a file to create direct debits?

ANZ Internet Banking for Business customers can import a payment file to create direct debits. To upload a file for direct debits:

Step 1 - Create your .aba file

ABA stands for Australian Banking Association.

Step 2 - Locate and upload your .aba file

Please note that it is your responsibility to ensure you have uploaded the correct file.

Step 3 - View the user ID list

The "Direct debit" page will display each user ID along with the following details:

Step 4 - Select the relevant user ID

Ensure the correct user ID is selected, by selecting "Select".

This will again display a summary of the direct debit user ID information.

Please note that the multiple direct debit payments will all be processed as one credit to your selected account. You cannot select multiple accounts.

Step 5 - Check the direct debit details

The direct debit details are displayed including the user ID, credit account and direct debit client details from the imported file.

Step 6 - Enter the transfer date

Transfer date (one-off transfer): choose the date on which you want the payments to be credited to your chosen account. You can either: